Ken Sweeney’s 1967 Škoda 1000MB

Club member, Ken Sweeney has his Skoda 1000MB appearing  in May 2015’s edition of Irish Vintage Scene magazine.

Here is a detailed description of the restoration which was carried out late 2013 and early 2014.


Purchased from the UK in May 2013.


Drove from London to Pembroke ferry then from Rosslare to Ballitore. No problems at all.


The engine was recently re-conditioned with no over heating problems. A new clutch was installed in 2012. There was a small leak from somewhere in the engine. Later it was found to be just a bad seal in a gasket.

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All the chrome and extras were stripped off prior to the re-spray. thanks to Club Chairman PJ Lawlor for all the tools, workspace and help. Some plastic parts were in poor shape.

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Some sanding was needed but overall, the car had no major use of filling and was almost all metal.


Finished  job. Thanks to PJ & Paddy Mulhall for an excellent job. The original 1000MB never had a two tone scheme but the car needed a lift so the decision was to go with the two tone .


The dash was brought back to it’s original design with the same white used as was on the roof. The steering wheel is from a later model (Škoda 110R Coupe). An original has been sourced and will be installed over the winter.

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Priming was completed.

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Prior to the refit of all the chrome and interior. The car then went to another club member, Michael Hennessy who completed an engine tune-up and re-wiring.

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The wheels were sandblasted, primed and resprayed again with the roof colour. The work was carried out by Paul Shortt of Crookstown Tyres.

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As of August 2014. The seats need to be completed in the winter.


Finished! (Well nearly). A big thank you all the people above who helped to make the car look great again.